World Class teachers <3


All our teachers are native Spanish speakers and have masters to teach Spanish as a foreign language. But most of all, they are beautiful human beings who will do their best to give you a great learning experience.

Meet Our Founders



I run World Class Barcelona together with Silvia, as well as being one of our Polish teachers (I have a master’s degree in Polish Literature and Linguistics). I’ve been living in Barcelona for 10 years and absolutely love this city! And I also love my job, creating a life around that makes me and other people happy and making an imprint on the lives of others. Every day I step outside of the school I think how lucky I am.

Best thing about running the school: getting to know so many interesting people and feeling that our World Class family is growing!
Favourite things: travelling, adventure and mountain bikes.
Favourite Spanish word: cachorro



I am one of the founders of World Class Barcelona. This school is a dream that came true. It’s everything that I love in one place: people, Spanish, Barcelona. It’s the place where my daughter took her first steps and now learns English from our students. It is the biggest adventure of my life, shared with my friend and one of the most beautiful people I have ever met, Milena. Is it easy? No. Would I do it again? Ooooo yes.

Best thing about running the school: seeing that there are more things that unite us than divide us.
Favourite things: Barcelona, salsa dancing & Latin America!
Favourite Spanish word: destornillador

Meet Our Teachers



I am originally from Peru but have been living in Europe for the last 15 years, having studied translation in Barcelona and taught methodology in Paris! With over 10 years of experience, I have joined the World Class team before the school had even opened!

Best thing about teaching: seeing the improvement of my students and learning from them, getting motivated and supported by them.
Favourite things: dancing, reading, avocados and lemons!
Favourite Spanish word: 'chipirón'



I’m from Menorca, I am an introvert but in class I am very extroverted. I speak Catalan and Spanish as mother tongues and English and German as foreign languages. I moved to Barcelona for my studies and I stayed because I love the city and the atmosphere. I love to travel to other places whenever I can.

Best thing about teaching: getting to know different cultures.
Favourite things: getting to know different cultures, animals, food, skating and the sea.
Favourite Spanish word: 'tobogán'



Hey, I'm Joan! I was born and raised in Barcelona, but I have also lived, studied and worked in Germany and France. I studied Translation and Interpreting and I have a Masters in Spanish, and Catalan as a foreign language. Languages are my absolute passion - I have studied so many of them during my life and I will never say no to learning a new one! I love how languages are the main gateway to new cultures and unique perspectives on life.

Best thing about teaching: getting to know people from all over the world, learning from their cultures, and sharing mine with them
Favourite things: learning new languages, travelling and cooking
Favourite Spanish word: 'titiritero'



Hey, I'm Alazne! I was born in Mexico, but I have been living in Barcelona since I was 7 years old and so I have both Mexican and Spanish nationality! I studied Translation and Interpreting in English and French at university and did a Master's degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. I have lived in the United States and London and I love to travel!

Best thing about teaching: seeing my students progress and increasing confidence in the language, as well as interacting with different cultures and learning from them
Favourite things: music, TV series' and movies
Favourite Spanish word: etéreo



Hello, I am Sergio. I am from Colombia, but I have lived in Spain for the last two years. I have had the opportunity to go backpacking across almost all of Latin America, which has made me fall in love with Spanish and its varieties even more.

The thing that I like the most about teaching: the students' happiness when they progress in their studies.
Things that I like: outdoor activities, dancing and going to the cinema.
My favourite word in Spanish: chigüiro



Hello! I am Itzi, I am from the Basque Country but I have been living in Barcelona for one year. I love learning languages, and so I became a Spanish teacher. I believe that learning languages allows us to get to know many people and broaden our view of the world. It's very nice to help others to communicate and see their progress throughout the classes.

The best thing about the classes: getting to know different people, learning with the students and seeing how, bit by bit, their expression gets better.
Favourite things: reading, traveling, boxing, bike riding, videogames and, of course, eating! (like a true Basque).
Favourite Spanish word: “trampantojo”



Hello! My name is Beatriz and I am from Valdepeñas, a town in La Mancha. For the last 20 years I have traveled and lived in different countries, working in International Cooperation (CI) and as a Spanish teacher.

My favourite things about teaching Spanish are the beginners groups because I love to see them discover a new language and a new world.
I love culture, history and art, so I also really enjoy organising routes to share the secrets and history of a city that's as exciting as Barcelona, so that students can get to know it and enjoy it a lot more. I have a passion for everything related to wine and gastronomy. The things that make me most happy are nature, climbing mountains, walking through the forest and swimming. And, of course, I am always ready for a trip. I love adventure!!
My favourite word in Spanish: Arrebol



Hello! I am Laia and I am from Cornellà de Llobregat (the best city in the world). I studied Spanish Language and Literature and I did a masters degree specialising in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language, since I am passionate about getting to know new cultures and sharing the best of mine with other people. I love getting to know new people, traveling, going out dancing, ... in short, having a good time and breaking the monotony!

The best thing about teaching: For me the best thing is, one the one hand, the link that is established with the students and, on the other, seeing their progress and satisfaction in learning and acquiring new knowledge.
Favourite things: Music (One Direction), Shrek 2, the moon, my friends, going to parties and traveling.
My favourite word in Spanish: Coqueto/a



Hola! I'm Lidia and I'm from Hospitalet de Llobregat. I studied Hispanic Philology due to my passion for reading and Spanish. I think that learning languages brings you closer to different cultures around the world and this is what I love about it!

Best thing about teaching: seeing the growth of students and learning from them
Favourite things: dancing, the beach, reading and cats
Favourite Spanish word: reciprocal



I am Andrés and I am from Córdoba (Andalucía). I have a degree in English Studies and a masters degree in Spanish as a foreign language. My job as a teacher has brought me to Ireland, Poland and now Barcelona. I am introverted in my free time and I love to watch series, films and being with my friends.

The best thing about teaching: constantly learning new things and the satisfaction of seeing the students' learning process
Favourite things: anime, football, piano and videogames
Favourite Spanish word: tiquismiquis



¡Hola! Mi name is David and I was born in a little town next to Montserrat (a must visit place!), but I live in Barcelona, where I’ve been living and teaching Spanish for more than 5 years. I love languages in general and learning them while travelling! 😊

Best thing about teaching: I love learning and teaching languages in an international and diverse environment. I think that makes learning much more interesting and probably easier since the motivation of the students to practice increases. I think communication is the most important and natural skill to develop, and probably the most fun too, so let’s speak as much as possible!
Favorite things: martial arts, learning and playing music, playing football, watching Youtube, learning languages.
Favorite Spanish word: ‘garbeo’, which is a colloquial word that means having a short walk in a city and intentionally get lost to get to know it better.



I am Julia! I am from Galicia, I came to Barcelona just to try it out and I have been here for 5 years. Before this, I spent 4 years traveling, working and studying in different countries around the world. I love getting to know different cultures and new places 😊

The best thing about teaching:
The thing that I like most about this job is the ability to travel without moving from your seat, that means getting to know cultural perspectives that make me understand reality from many different points of view. I love the advanced classes where we can share experiences and debate politics. Also, I love the subjunctive as it is a verb form that seems difficult at the start but then it ends up slotting into place, seeing my students learn is the most rewarding thing.

Favourite things:
I am a very sociable person as I am always busy with a thousand plans, sometimes too many hehe. I love spending time with my friends going to the mountains and the beach. In recent years I have gotten involved in the world of feminism so I love to go to conferences, talks and debates about this issue. Barcelona is a fantastic city that offers these sorts of plans, it's great!

Favourite Spanish word: Rimbombante

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