Our Purpose

We are Silvia and Milena, the founders of World Class.

We believe that outstanding work can only come from a place of heart.
We left our jobs because we wanted to work with something we loved.

World Class Bcn

We initially crossed paths in Barcelona back in 2001, and in 2016, we established a Spanish language school in the heart of Barcelona with a unique purpose. It’s more than just a school; it’s a vibrant community that seamlessly blends language learning with enriching cultural experiences. This purpose is the key to why our Spanish classes are simultaneously enjoyable, practical, and authentic.

How our journey started...

We initially crossed paths in Barcelona back in 2001, and in 2016, we established a Spanish language school in the heart of Barcelona with a unique purpose. It’s more than just a school; it’s a vibrant community that seamlessly blends language learning with enriching cultural experiences. This purpose is the key to why our Spanish classes are simultaneously enjoyable, practical, and authentic.

Years ago, we were in your shoes, newcomers to Barcelona, striving to find our footing. We developed a deep affection for this city and gained profound insights into diverse cultures and ourselves.

Our overarching goal is to share our fervor for languages and to empower others to pursue their dreams. Every day, we wake up with the clear purpose of inspiring, informing, motivating, and empowering young individuals to embark on a language-learning journey that can transform their lives. This may involve securing their dream job, pursuing happiness, or whatever path they choose. Guiding and assisting others is our passion, born from our own past dilemmas.

We’ve dedicated ourselves to cultivating a learning environment where our students can swiftly and effectively acquire new languages while also feeling comfortable, embraced, and actively participating in culturally-themed activities.

If you’re here because you aspire to study Spanish in Barcelona or find a way to stay in Spain, you’re in the right place.

We both grew up in Poland and we started learning foreign languages there. We know the process of learning a language from the student’s perspective, therefore we know what motivates best, to learn. Our purpose is to make the learning process interactive, fun and enjoyable.

At World Class Barcelona Language School we use the communicative approach, which means no more grammar-focused lessons. You can trust us and rely on us to help you learn to speak the new language from the very first day!

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